A backpacking poop kit is simply a container for all the supplies you need to safely dispose of your waste while camping. This can include items like toilet paper, hand sanitizer, wipes, and garbage bags. We all know that one of the least glamorous aspects of camping is dealing with our waste.

Especially with women, camping on your period can be messy, so bringing stuff to keep clean down “there” without harming the environment requires a bit of advance planning. That’s where a backpacking poop kit comes in handy. Adding this poo kit is part of a routine you develop when packing a backpack for camping

The first and most important thing to remember about camping poop is that, no matter how deep in the woods you find yourself, the rules are still the same.

Bring what you need to pack it in, and pack it out.

What is in the Camping Poop Kit?

A camping poop kit will have all your essentials to take care of, but is portable, using only biodegradable items:

A small, portable toilet that you can take with you when you go camping. It is usually made of a plastic or metal container with a lid and ll hole in the top for you to do your business.

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A backpacking poop kit should include:

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How Much Does Your Poop Weigh?

In terms of weight, your poop actually comes in fourth place in terms of the gross things you carry around. In front of you are bacteria, fungi, and viruses, followed by parasites. Your poop weighs an average of 100 grams (about the weight of a couple of apples).

However, when you add urine and other waste products, the total amount of waste you produce increases by 90% and becomes 540 grams per person. That’s about the weight of a large carrot.

While there are plenty of gross things about poop, like that it can contain harmful bacteria and parasites, it’s also a huge source of information about your health and overall wellbeing. Poop can be used to diagnose diseases, check your digestive system and even give you an idea of how many calories you’re taking in.

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How To Carry Out Your Poop

When you’re planning your trip, make sure to pack your backpacking poop kit with your essential backcountry camping gear in an easily accessible place. That way, when nature calls, you can quickly grab everything you need. What containers are best for carrying out your poop?

You want to use a container made out of biodegradable material like paper or synthetic fibers. Also, you can also use a compostable container made out of cornstarch. In terms of size and shape, there are three main types of camping poo kits: buckets, bags and pouches

When you’re out camping, you’re definitely not going to want to leave your poop behind. But what are you supposed to do with it?

A camping poop kit is essentially a portable toilet that you can take with you wherever you go. There are a few different types of camping poop kits, but the most popular one is the bucket toilet.

This type of toilet is easy to use and transport, and it with a bit of waste treatment powder, you can carry your poop and dispose of it safely (and not on the side of the road)

If you’re not comfortable using a bucket toilet, there are other options available. You can purchase Go AnyWhere portable toilets that are designed for camping, or you can even make your own out of a camping toilet seat and a five-gallon bucket.

Whichever option you choose, be sure to line the toilet with a bag before use, and empty it into a proper garbage receptacle when you’re done.

Hand holding an orange bag used as a backpacking poop kit, a must-have for outdoor hygiene.
Pack it in, pack it out! Learn how a backpacking poop kit ensures Leave No Trace principles on the trail.

What To Do With Your Poop When Backcountry Camping

There are a lot of things to consider when you’re backcountry camping and not at a campsite with amenities, and one of the most important is what to do with your poop. A camping poop kit is essential for proper waste management in the wilderness. Here’s what you need to know about using a camping poop kit, and how to dispose of your waste properly in the outdoors.

For used toilet paper and other sanitary items packed out in a sealable bag, dispose of them in a trash receptacle. Do not throw them in toilets or leave them in the wilderness.

When you’re backcountry camping, there are no bathrooms or facilities for disposing of human waste. That means it’s up to you to pack out your own poop. A backpacking toilet kit is an essential piece of gear for doing this.

Where to poop in the woods?

If you are backpacking in an area where there are no toilets, then you will need to bury your poop and use a product like Trail Essentials Toilet Bags to bury it or use Better Boat Portable Toilet Bags to pack it out.

You can dig a small hole with a backpacking trowel, or use a cathole digger.

  1. First, find a spot at least 200 feet away from any water sources, trails, or campsites.
  2. Then, dig a hole 6-8 inches deep with your trowel or shovel, line it with some type of biodegradable bag, and do your business. If you have trouble finding a stick long enough to measure the depth of the hole, then use a small rock or your shoe as a guide.
  3. Do your #2 in the hole, add the waste poo powder to make your waste safe, and wrap it up. (If you are burying your waste, a compostable bag like Trail Essentials Toilet Bags)
  4. Finally, cover the hole back up and pack out the bag with your other trash.

While there are a few different types of camping poop kits, they all work essentially the same way.

The Deuce(R) Ultralight Backpacking Trowel in 3...

Why It’s Important To Pack It Out

The National Park Service estimates that each visitor to a national park leaves behind about 1/4 pound of poop per day. That adds up to a lot of poop! And all that poop can have a serious impact on the environment.

One way to help protect the environment is to pack out your poop when you go camping. That’s right, carry it out with you when you leave.

A backpacking toilet kit is simply a container for carrying your poop out with you. It should be big enough to hold all the poop you produce during your trip, and it should have a tight-fitting lid to keep the contents from leaking out.

You can buy commercial camping poop kits, or you can make your own.

Either way, be sure to pack it out with you when you leave so that your campsite is clean for the next visitors.

Tips for Carrying Out Your Poop

These days, it’s easier than ever to pack a camping poo kit. From biodegradable bags to special pouches and buckets, there are plenty of options out there.

You just need to make sure you’re getting something that’s easy to clean and will help you keep your poo away from your other belongings. Don’t let packing a camping poo kit intimidate you.

Do you have any hacks for handling your #2 when out in the woods? Leave us a comment below!

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What Are the Environmental Benefits of Using a Backpacking Poop Kit?

Using a backpacking poop kit helps protect the environment in several ways. It prevents contamination of water sources, reduces the spread of pathogens, and preserves the natural aesthetics of the wilderness. By packing out toilet paper and other waste, you’re ensuring that wildlife habitats remain undisturbed and that other hikers can enjoy a clean and pristine outdoor experience.

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